KwaZulu-Natal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of Excellence

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Division provides support services and facilities management to other units within the entity. Services that are rendered are diverse and are primarily aimed at ensuring the well-being of employees and other outside stakeholders by ensuring a comfortable and pleasant environment. This Division encompasses units responsible for the management of human capital, facilities and Information Technology.


The primary purpose of the Human Resources Division is to enable the institution to achieve its objectives through people. This is achieved through a realisation that if the entity has to meet its goal of providing a service to the people of this province and visitors, it must be resourced with talented, energised and passionate people. This will only be achieved in an entity that is people-centred, which strives in fostering healthy and mutually beneficial relationships with people in its employ. In driving this goal, the Board has pronounced on the following as key people-centred imperatives: transformation, management of talent, and learning and development


As an entity, we are required to comply with relevant legislations, whilst delivering on our mandates. We have identified our people as an important resource, and we always strive to create the balance in terms of our demographics and delivery when faced with a very shrinking skills market. As at 31 March 2014. The entity had 190 employees made up of 157 males and 33 females. Historically, sea-going occupation has always been seen as a male sport, and the entity has taken a resolve to improve on these statistics and confident of reporting an improvement in the next reporting period.

Total number of employees in each of the following occupational categories as at 31 March 2014 is summarised as follows:


The role-out of the systems was completed at the beginning of April 2013. Even though there are still gaps and need for further training in this regard, it is pleasing to note that the system will assist in achieving what the entity is intending. Vital pieces of information were gleaned from reviews and assisted in the compilation of Work Skills Plan. This intervention will be monitored closely in the new financial year, and support further extended to employees who are in need.


The entity is committed to promoting a learning culture that allows employees to develop and grow their skills. This will assist employees to reach their full potential and grow our business. Employees were trained in various courses including technical and compliance modules, life skills, and leadership development.


There are two units operating under this section. Information Technology unit is responsible for the installation, upgrading and maintenance of the IT infrastructure and operating systems. In the past year, the unit was instrumental in customising the IT infrastructure, development of policies, strategies and plans. Day to day functions included data and hardware support to users spread within the Province.

Records section assist with management of information and contracts. The system used is still paper – based but there are plans to upgrade this facility to move towards digitisation of records so as to allow an easy access of data remotely, searches, manipulation and electronic delivery.


This unit is responsible and oversees the construction of new buildings, maintenance and upgrading of existing buildings. Further responsibility extends towards procuring of boats, outboard motors and vehicles that are responsible for operations, including their maintenance. This is a critical component of the business as it is entrusted with ensuring that equipment and infrastructure is always available to achieve core mandate, and for securing the quality of all assists in possession. During the year under review management secured additional funding from the KZN Provincial Treasury to deliver a number of projects so as to capacitate the entity further, and for compliance with laws and regulations.